Program za početnike - test verzija

priredio: mr.sc. Branko Tudor

Lekcija 22 (od 27)


Tckst koji ćete čuti u br. 597 ima mnogo novih riječi i radi toga ga, vjerojatno, prilikom prvog slušanja nećete patpuno razumjeti. Novih gramatičkih oblika nema u ovoj lekeiji, jedino ćete dopunjavati svoje iskustvo s have-oblikom.
__ Sada obradite zvučni zapis br. 597.



Čuli ste razgovor dva stranea uz čašu piva u nekoj londonskoj gostionici. Jednom od njih je dosadno i nesretan je: prisjeo mu je život. Drugi pokušava da ga oduševi za lijepe i uzbudljive stvari koje život pruža - za ltaliju, Norvešku i ponoćno sunce, lov u Africi, za hobije kao što su jedrenje i padobranstvo. Naš nesretnik svaki čas odmahuje rukom, on je, tobože, sve to već upražnjavao, ipak mu je još uvijek dosadno. "Sigurno ste ozbiljno bolesni", kaže drugi, koji je pun životne snage. "Samo najbolji psihijatar može da vam pomogne. Idite kod dr Greenberg-a u Harley ulici". "Ja sam dr Greenberg ", beznadno odgovara nesretnik.
U sljedećem broju je razgovor koji ste čuli, napisan. Pozorno ga pratite dok istovremeno još jednom slušate zvučni zapis
__ Za br. 599 potrebno vam je istovremeno pratiti tekst i slušati zvučni zapis.



Two strangers were sitting over a glass of beer in a London pub. One of them looked bored and unhappy. "Life is dull, and everything in the world bores me," he said.
"How can you say such a thing?" said the other. "Life is wonderful, and
the world is an exciting place. Just take Italy! It's a delightful country.
Have you ever been there?"
"Oh yes, I've been to Italy. I was there last year. I didn't like it"
"Then go to Norway and see the midnight sun. Have you ever tried that?"
"Yes, I've been to Norway, too, and I've seen the midnight sun. That was
in 1966, and I didn't enjoy it"
"One of my friends has just returned from a safari in Africa. He liked it
very much. Why don't you go on a safari'! I'm sure you'll love it."
"I've been to Africa, too," the sad man answered. "I was there six
months ago. I also went on a safari, but I found it very horing."
"Have you ever tried a hobby?" asked his companion.
"I've tried many hobbies in my life," was the answer. "Some years ago it
was stamp collecting, then it was sailing, and a few weeks ago it was
skydiving. I gave them all up. They bored me to tears."
"I can see now," said the other man, "that you must be very ill. Only the
best psychiatrist can help you. Go and see Dr Greenberg in Harley Street."
"I am Dr Greenberg," was the sad man's answer.


U br. 601 slušati ćete tekst još jedanput, sada sa stankama za ponavljanje. Pozorno slušajte pojedine skupine riječi i, u stanci koja sljedi, ponovite ih što točnije. Istovremeno dok radite vježbu za ponavljanje br. 601 (zvučni zapis), pratite i tekst u istom broju.
__ Za br. 601 potrebno vam je istovremeno pratiti tekst i slušati zvučni zapis.



Two strangers were sitting over a glass of beer in a London pub. One of them looked bored and unhappy. "Life is dull, and everything in the world bores me," he said.
"How can you say such a thing?" said the other. "Life is wonderful, and
the world is an exciting place. Just take Italy! It's a delightful country.
Have you ever been there?"
"Oh yes, I've been to Italy. I was there last year. I didn't like it"
"Then go to Norway and see the midnight sun. Have you ever tried that?"
"Yes, I've been to Norway, too, and I've seen the midnight sun. That was
in 1966, and I didn't enjoy it"
"One of my friends has just returned from a safari in Africa. He liked it
very much. Why don't you go on a safari'! I'm sure you'll love it."
"I've been to Africa, too," the sad man answered. "I was there six
months ago. I also went on a safari, but I found it very horing."
"Have you ever tried a hobby?" asked his companion.
"I've tried many hobbies in my life," was the answer. "Some years ago it
was stamp collecting, then it was sailing, and a few weeks ago it was
skydiving. I gave them all up. They bored me to tears."
"I can see now," said the other man, "that you must be very ill. Only the
best psychiatrist can help you. Go and see Dr Greenberg in Harley Street."
"I am Dr Greenberg," was the sad man's answer.


Niže je engleski tekst napisan još jednom s prijevodom, kako bi lakše zapamtili značenje engleskih riječi, ili još bolje, rećenica.


Two strangers were sitting
   over a glass of beer
   in a London pub.
One of them looked bored
   and unhappy.
Life is dull,
   and everything in the world
   bores me,
   he said.
How can you say sueh a thing?
   said the other.
Life is wonderful,
   and the world is
   an exciting place.
Just take Italy!
It's a delightful country.
Have you ever been there?
Oh yes, I've been to Italy.
I was there last year.
I didn't like it.
Then go to Norway
   and see the midnight sun.
Have you ever tried that?
Yes, I've been to Norway, too,
   and I've see the midnight sun.
That was in 1966,
   and I didn't enjoy it.
One of my friends has just
   returned from a safari
   in Africa.
He liked it very much.
Why don't you go
   on a safari?
I'm sure you'll love it.

I've been to Africa, too,
   the sad man answered.
I was there six months ago.
I also went on a safari,
   but I found it very boring.

Have you ever tried a hobby?
asked his companion.

I've tried many hobbies in
   my life, was the answer.
Some years ago it was
   stamp collecting,
   then it was sailing,
   and a few weeks ago
   it was skydiving.
I gave them all up.
They bored me to tears.
I can see now,
   said the other man,
   that you must be very ill.
Only the best psychiatrist
   can help you.
Go and see Dr Greenberg
   in Harley Street.
I am Dr Greenberg,
   was the sad man's answer.


Dva stranca sjedila su uz čašu
   piva u engleskoj gostionici.

Jedan od njih je izgledao umoren
   dosadom i nesretan.
Život je pust i sve na svijetu
   mi je dosadno, rekao je on.

Kako možete da kažete tako nešto?
   rekao je drugi.
Život je divan
   i svijet je uzbudljiv.

Pogledajte Italiju.
To je divna zemlja.
Jeste Ii već bili tamo?
0, da, bio sam u Italiji.
Lani sam bio tamo.
Nije mi se dopalo.
Onda idite u Norvešku
   i pogledajte ponoćno sunce.
Jeste Ii već pokušali to?
Da, bio sam i u Norveškoj i
   vidio sam ponoćno sunce.
To je bilo 1966. godine i
   nisam uživao u tome.
Jedan moj prijatelj baš se
   vratio sa safaria u Africi.

Mnogo mu se dopalo.
Zašto ne idete na safari?

Siguran sam da će vam
   se dopasti.
I u Africi sam bio, odgovorio je
   "žalosni" .
Bio sam tamo prije šest mjeseci.
I na safari sam išao,
   ali učinio mi se veoma
Jeste Ii se već nekada bavili
   kakvim hobijem?
   zapitao ga je sugovomik.
U životu sam se bavio s dosta
   hobija, glasio je odgovor.
Prije nekoliko godina to je bilo
   skupljanje maraka, zatim jedrenje,
   i prije nekoliko nedjelja

Sve sam napustio.
Bili su mi strašno dosadni.
Sada vidim, reče drugi, vi mora da ste
   vrlo bolesni.

Sarno najbolji psihijatar može
   da vam pomogne.
Idite kod dr Greenberg-a u Harley ulici.

Ja sam dr Greenberg, glasio je
   odgovor "žalosnog".


U br. 604 je vježba za izgovor, odn. pravilan naglasak složenih riječi. Kod složenica u lijevom stupcu naglasak je uvijek na prvoj riječi, a kod onih u desnom naglašavamo podjednako prvu i drugu riječ.
U br. 604 čuti ćete svaku složenicu dva puta, u stanci je dva puta ponovite i istovremeno gledajte tekst da bi vidjeli kako se piše.
__ Za br. 604 potrebno vam je istovremeno pratiti tekst i slušati zvučni zapis.


floor show
Lake District
art gallery
fashion shop
Downing Street
Oxford Street

beef sausages
fillet steaks
chocolate biscuits
managing director
Buckingham Palace
Westminster Abbey
National Gallery


U br. 606 čuti ćete tekst sa stankama za ponavljanje. Istovremeno dok radite vježbu za ponavljanje br. 606 (zvučni zapis), pratite i tekst u istom broju.
__ Za br. 606 potrebno vam je istovremeno pratiti tekst i slušati zvučni zapis.



Two strangers were sitting over a glass of beer in a London pub. One of them looked bored and unhappy. "Life is dull, and everything in the world bores me," he said.
"How can you say such a thing?" said the other. "Life is wonderful, and
the world is an exciting place. Just take Italy! It's a delightful country.
Have you ever been there?"
"Oh yes, I've been to Italy. I was there last year. I didn't like it"
"Then go to Norway and see the midnight sun. Have you ever tried that?"
"Yes, I've been to Norway, too, and I've seen the midnight sun. That was
in 1966, and I didn't enjoy it"
"One of my friends has just returned from a safari in Africa. He liked it
very much. Why don't you go on a safari'! I'm sure you'll love it."
"I've been to Africa, too," the sad man answered. "I was there six
months ago. I also went on a safari, but I found it very horing."
"Have you ever tried a hobby?" asked his companion.
"I've tried many hobbies in my life," was the answer. "Some years ago it
was stamp collecting, then it was sailing, and a few weeks ago it was
skydiving. I gave them all up. They bored me to tears."
"I can see now," said the other man, "that you must be very ill. Only the
best psychiatrist can help you. Go and see Dr Greenberg in Harley Street."
"I am Dr Greenberg," was the sad man's answer.


Sada prepišite niže napisani tekst i istovremeno mislite na izgovor i značenje engleskih riječi.


Two strangers were sitting over a glass of beer in a London pub. One of them looked bored and unhappy. "Life is dull, and everything in the world bores me," he said.
"How can you say such a thing?" said the other. "Life is wonderful, and
the world is an exciting place. Just take Italy! It's a delightful country.
Have you ever been there?"
"Oh yes, I've been to Italy. I was there last year. I didn't like it"
"Then go to Norway and see the midnight sun. Have you ever tried that?"
"Yes, I've been to Norway, too, and I've seen the midnight sun. That was
in 1966, and I didn't enjoy it"
"One of my friends has just returned from a safari in Africa. He liked it
very much. Why don't you go on a safari'! I'm sure you'll love it."
"I've been to Africa, too," the sad man answered. "I was there six
months ago. I also went on a safari, but I found it very horing."
"Have you ever tried a hobby?" asked his companion.
"I've tried many hobbies in my life," was the answer. "Some years ago it
was stamp collecting, then it was sailing, and a few weeks ago it was
skydiving. I gave them all up. They bored me to tears."
"I can see now," said the other man, "that you must be very ill. Only the
best psychiatrist can help you. Go and see Dr Greenberg in Harley Street."
"I am Dr Greenberg," was the sad man's answer.


Zapamtite nove engleske izraze pomoću sljedećeg popisa:

over a glass of beer
he looked bored and
life is dull
say - said - said
such a thing
the other
last year
midnight sun
in 1966
   (in nineteen sixty-six)
I didn't enjoy it
you'll love it
find - found - found
stamp collecting
a few weeks ago
give (up) - gave (up) - given (up)
the best psychiatrist
go and see Dr Greenberg!
Harley Street

beznadan, a, o
uz čašu piva
izgledao je umoren dosadom i
život je dosadan, pust
tako nešto
uzbudljiv, a, o
mjesto, prostor
prijatan, divan
zemlja, država
lani, prošle godine
ponoćno sunce
1966. godine

nisam uživao, nije mi se dopalo
safari, lovačka ekspedicija
dopašće vam (ti) se
odgovoriti, odgovarati
naći, nalaziti, smatrati
dosadan, a, o
omiljeno zanimanje (predmet), hobi
pitati, upitati, zapitati
drug, drugar
skupljanje maraka
prije nekoliko nedjelja
napustiti, ostaviti (se čega)
najboIji psihijatar
posjetite dr Greenberg-a!
uIica u Londonu


U br. 610 čuti ćete kratki sadržaj ove lekcije za diktat. Svaku skupinu riječi čuti ćete dva puta, zatim sljedi stanka, kako bi mogli da napišete ono što ste čuli. Kad završite diktat, još jedanput ga poslušajte povezano, tj. bez stanki i interpunkcije. Za vrijeme diktata knjiga treba da bude zatvorena.
__ Sada obradite zvučni zapis br. 610.



Usporedite svoj rad  s niže napisanim tekstom i ispravite greške. Ako ih imate više od 6, ponovite diktat, tj. još jedanput obradite zvučni zapis br. 610.

I visited Italy last year, but I didn't (did not) like it.
In 1966 I was in Norway and saw the midnight sun,
but I didn't (did not) enjoy it.
Six months ago I went on a safari in Africa, but I found it very boring.
I also tried some hobbies, but they bored me to tears.
Life is dull, and the world is a terrible place.



a. They have arrested him.
b. They arrested.
c. She has found it.
d. She found       it an hour ago.
e. I have been there.
f. I was           there last week.
g. He has just returned from Africa.
h. He returned               from Africa in 1967.

Have-oblik glagola upotrebljava se sarno kada u rečenici nema priloga za vrijeme koji označava prošlost (usporedi a, c, e, g). Ali, ako je u rečenici prilog vremena za prošlost (kao npr. yesterday, an hour ago, last week ili 1967 g.), upotrebljava se prosto prošlo vrijeme (usporedi b, d, f, h).

Jučer su ga zatvorili.
Vidjela ga je prije jedan sat.
Prošle nedjelje sam bio tamo.
1967. vratio se iz Afrike.

They arrested him yesterday.
She saw him an hour ago.
I was there last week.
He returned from Africa in 1967.

U br. 613 vježbati ćete složeno i prosto sadašnje vrijeme (u 4 faze). Primjer:

Čujete pravilan odgovor:
Ponovite odgovor:

Have you answered Joe's letter?
Yes, I answered it yesterday.
Yes, I answered it yesterday.
Yes, I answered it yesterday.

__ Sada obradite zvučni zapis br. 613. Vježba nema primjera.



U br. 615 je vježba (u 4 faze) za oba prošla vremena. Primjer:

Čujete odgovor:

I think they've arrested him.
Yes, they arrested him an hour ago.
Yes, they arrested him an hour ago.
Yes, they arrested him an hour ago.

__ Sada obradite zvučni zapis br. 615. Ni ova vježba nema primjera.



Just (= upravo, taman, baš) nije u stvari pravi prilog za vrijeme, zato ga u have-obliku često upotrebljavamo.

I have just had breakfast.
Upravo sam doručkovao

U br. 617 vježbati ćete (u 4 faze) just u have-obliku.

Čujete pravilan odgovor:
Ponovite odgovor:

They started work yesterday.
We have just started work, too.
We have just started work, too.
We have just started work, too.

Na početku vježbe čuti ćete još jedan primjer.
__ Sada obradite zvučni zapis br. 617.



(Pismena vježba)
Promjenite rečenice prema primjeru.


I've been there. (last year)
I was there last year.


We've answered their letter. (yesterday)
They've arrested him. (this morning)
The Lucky Stars have arrived. (an hour ago)
She's typed the letter. (yesterday evening)
He's done his homework. (after lunch)
They've found the book. (a few hours ago)
He's given up the club. (last year)
I've had lunch. (an hour ago)
She's married him. (in 1966)
They've recognized me. (when I came)
I've seen his new book. (when I was in London)
He's studied the sales figures. (in the train this morning)
He's taken some pictures. (this afternoon)
I've talked to the boss. (after work yesterday)
I've washed my hands. (ten minutes ago)


(Pismena vježba)
Odgovorite prema primjeru.


Have you ever seen a Rolls-Royce? (a few days ago)
Yes, I saw one a few days ago.



Have you ever seen a lion? (when I was in Africa six months ago)
Have you ever had a dog? (when I was young)
Have you ever smoked an Australian cigarette? (when we had
a visitor from Sydney last month)
Have you ever typed a letter? (when my secretary was ill)
Have you ever given her a present? (last week)


(Pismena vježba)
Do sada ste upoznali dva izraza za također: too i also. Too stoji iza onoga dijela rečenice na koji se odnosi, a also ispred njega.

I've been to Africa, too.
I've also been to Africa.

Promjenite rečenice prema primjeru.


We've seen Albert Bridge, too.
We've also seen Albert Bridge.


They've arrested Parker, too.
She's asked the manager, too.
I want a cup of tea, too.
She bought a new handbag, too.
They enjoyed the show, too.
We've found the other shoe, too.
She's going to get a new dress, too.
You'II like the parks, too.
He smokes cigarettes, too.


(Pismena vježba)
Stavite sljedeće riječi:

     from, in, of, on, over, to


Two strangers were siting. . . . . a glass. . . . . beer in a London pub.
I've been. . . . . Italy, I've been. . . . . Norway, but everything. . . . .the world bores me.
Why don't you go . . . . . Africa?
One. . . . . my friends has just returned. . . . . a safari in Africa.
Why don't you go . . . . . a safari?
I was in Africa. . . . . 1966.
I also went. . . . . a safari, but it bored me . . . . . tears.


(Pismena vježba)

c. d.

Jeste Ii ikad bili u Norveškoj?
U Norveškoj sam bio 1966. godine.
Bio sam i u Italiji.
Jedan od mojih prijatelja baš se vratio iz Afrike.
Afriku sam posjetio prošle godine.
Upravo je počeo da radi.
Njegova tajnica počela je da radi prije jedan sat.
Jučer sam popušio dvadeset cigareta.
Upravo je doručkovao.
Doručkovala je prije jedan sat.
Upravo se vratio kući.
Jutros je došla ovamo.
Jučer je kupila novu haljinu.
U petak je kupila novi kaput.


Ako mislite da većinu teških i važnih vježbi iz ove lekcije zaista dobro znate, pređite na 23. lekciju. U suprotnom, za 22. lekciju upotrijebite još malo vremena dok je potpuno ne savladate.

Kraj 22. lekcije.