Program za početnike - test verzija

priredio: mr.sc. Branko Tudor

Lekcija 20 (od 27)


Tekst koji ćete čuti u br. 545 nije težak. Rečenice s going to koje će privući vašu pozornost već prilikom prvog slušanja, jer ih je u tekstu mnogo, zamjena su za rečenice s "will", kojima smo do sada izražavali budućnost. Doprinijeti će većoj raznovrsnosti izražajnih mogućnosti.
__ Sada obradite zvučni zapis br. 545.



Tekst koji ste slušali govori o g. Watson-u, američkom turistu u Londonu. Za razgledavanje Londona ima točno jedan dan vremena i za taj jedan jedini dan namjerava da "uradi" što više (rekli bi previše). Želi da razgleda sve važne znamenitosti Londona, dozvoliće sebi da večera u restoranu u istočnom dijelu Londona, a zatim još da popije kriglu piva u nekoj londonskoj pivnici. Za zaključak dana, kao najveće uživanje jednodnevnog obilaska Londona, zamislio je predstavu nekog Shakespeare-ovog kazališnog komada u slavnom kazalištu "Old Vic", kao i program u noćnom lokalu u Mayfair-u. Ostaje samo da saznamo hoće Ii on to sve moći da uradi i kako će se osjećati poslije toga.
U sljedećem broju je tekst koji ste čuli, napisan. Pozorno ga pratite dok istovremeno još jednom slušate zvučni zapis
__ Za br. 547 potrebno vam je istovremeno pratiti tekst i slušati zvučni zapis.


Mr Watson "does" London

Mr Watson is an American tourist in London. He has got exactly one day for London. Can you "do" London in one day? In America they say it is possible - it is only a question of organization. Mr Watson's visit to London is very well organized indeed:

He is going to have a look at Buckingham Palace, No. 10 Downing Street, and Nelson's Column.
He is going to visit Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament, St Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London.
He is going to watch the Changing of the Guard in front of Buckingham Palace, and he is going to have a look at the Crown Jewels in the Tower.
He is going to visit all the great museums and art galleries.
He is going to take pictures of a bobby, a bus, and a beefeater.
He is going to have dinner in a West End restaurant and a pint of bitter in an East End pub.
He is going to see a Shakespeare play at the Old Vic and a floor show at a night club in Mayfair.


U br. 549 čuti ćete tekst još jedanput, sada sa stankama za ponavljanje. Pozorno slušajte pojedine skupine riječi i, u stanci koja sljedi, ponovite ih što točnije. Istovremeno dok radite vježbu za ponavljanje br. 549 (zvučni zapis), pratite i tekst br. 549
__ Za br. 549 potrebno vam je istovremeno pratiti tekst i slušati zvučni zapis.


Mr Watson "does" London

Mr Watson is an American tourist in London. He has got exactly one day for London. Can you "do" London in one day? In America they say it is possible - it is only a question of organization. Mr Watson's visit to London is very well organized indeed:

He is going to have a look at Buckingham Palace, No. 10 Downing Street, and Nelson's Column.
He is going to visit Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament, St Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London.
He is going to watch the Changing of the Guard in front of Buckingham Palace, and he is going to have a look at the Crown Jewels in the Tower.
He is going to visit all the great museums and art galleries.
He is going to take pictures of a bobby, a bus, and a beefeater.
He is going to have dinner in a West End restaurant and a pint of bitter in an East End pub.
He is going to see a Shakespeare play at the Old Vic and a floor show at a night club in Mayfair.


Niže je engleski tekst napisan još jednom s prijevodom, kako bi lakše zapamtili značenje engleskih riječi, ili još bolje, rećenica.

Mr Watson "does" London

Mr Watson is an American
   tourist in London.
He has got exactly one day
   for London.
Can you "do" London
   in one day?
In America they say
   it is possible -
   it is only a question of
Mr Watson's visit to London
   is very well organized
He is going to have a look at
   Buckingham Palace, No. 10
   Downing Street, and Nelson's
He is going to visit
   Westminster Abbey and the
   Houses of Parliament,
   St. Paul's Chathedral
   and the Tower of London.
He is going to watch the
   Changing of the Guard
   in front of Buckingham Palace,
   and he is going to have a .
   look at the Crown Jewels in the
He is going to visit all the
   great museums and
   art galleries.
He is going to take pictures
   of a bobby, a bus, and a
He is going to have dinner
   in a West End restaurant
   and a pint of bitter in an
   East End pub.

He is going to see a Shakespeare
   play at the Old Vic and a floor
   show at a night club in Mayfair.

Gospodin Watson razgleda London

G. Watson je američki
   turist u Londonu.
On ima točno jedan dan za
   razgledanje Londona.
Da li je moguće razgledati
   London za jedan dan?
U Americi kažu da je to
   moguće, u pitanju je
   samo organizacija.

G. Watson-ova posjeta Londonu
   je zaista vrlo dobro
Razgledati će Bakingemsku palaću,
   br. 10 u ulici Downing i
   stup s Nelsonovim
Posjetiti će Westminster-sku
   opatiju i zgrade parlamenta,
   katedralu sv. PavIa i
   Londonsku tvrđavu.

Gledati će promjenu straže pred
   Bakingemskom palaćom i
   pogledati će krunske dragulje
   u Londonskoj tvrđavi.

Posjetiti će sve velike
   muzeje i umjetničke
Snimiti će londonskog policajca,
   autobus i stražara
   u Londonskoj tvrđavi.
Večerati će u restoranu
   u zapadnom dijelu
   Londona i popiti će 1/2 litre
   piva u nekoj pivnici u istočnom
   dijelu Londona.
Pogledati će neki Shakespeare-ov komad
   u kazalištu Old Vic i program
   u noćnom lokalu u Mayfair-u.


U br. 552 čuti ćete tekst još jedanput, opet sa stankama za ponavljanje. Istovremeno dok radite vježbu za ponavljanje br. 552 (zvučni zapis), pratite i tekst u istom broju.
__ Za br. 552 potrebno vam je istovremeno pratiti tekst i slušati zvučni zapis.


Mr Watson "does" London

Mr Watson is an American tourist in London. He has got exactly one day for London. Can you "do" London in one day? In America they say it is possible - it is only a question of organization. Mr Watson's visit to London is very well organized indeed:

He is going to have a look at Buckingham Palace, No. 10 Downing Street, and Nelson's Column.
He is going to visit Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament, St Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London.
He is going to watch the Changing of the Guard in front of Buckingham Palace, and he is going to have a look at the Crown Jewels in the Tower.
He is going to visit all the great museums and art galleries.
He is going to take pictures of a bobby, a bus, and a beefeater.
He is going to have dinner in a West End restaurant and a pint of bitter in an East End pub.
He is going to see a Shakespeare play at the Old Vic and a floor show at a night club in Mayfair.


Sada prepišite niže napisani tekst i istovremeno mislite na izgovor i značenje engleskih riječi.

Mr Watson "does" London

Mr Watson is an American tourist in London. He has got exactly one day for London.
Can you "do" London in one day? In America they say it is possible - it is only a question
of organization. Mr Watson's visit to London is very well organized indeed:
He is going to have a look at Buckingham Palace, No. 10 Downing Street,
and Nelson's Column.
He is going to visit Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament, St Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London.
He is going to watch the Changing of the Guard in front of Buckingham Palace, and he is going to have a look at the Crown Jewels in the Tower.
He is going to visit all the great museums and art galleries.
He is going to take pictures of a bobby, a bus, and a beefeater.
He is going to have dinner in a West End restaurant and a pint of bitter in an East End pub.
He is going to see a Shakespeare play at the Old Vic and a floor show at a night club in Mayfair.


Zapamtite nove engleske izraze pomoću sljedećeg popisa:

"do" a town
they say
a question of organization
very well organized indeed
he is going to have
have a look at something
Buckingham Palace
No. 10 Downing Street
Nelson's Column
Westminster Abbey
the Houses of Parliament
St Paul's Cathedral
the Tower of London
Changing of the Guard
Crown Jewels
all the great museums
art gallery
take pictures
West End
a Shakespeare play
Old Vic
floor show

razgledati grad
pitanje organizacije
zaista vrlo dobro organiziran, a, o
imati će
pogledati nešto
(usporedi sliku u boji u 16. lekciji)
(usporedi sliku u boji u 16. lekciji)
(usporedi sliku u boji u 2. lekciji)
(usporedi sliku u boji u 14. lekciji)
(usporedi sliku u boji u 4. i 14. lekciji)
(usporedi sliku u boji u 14. lekciji)
(usporedi sliku u boji u 18. lekciji)
gledati, promatrati
promjena straže
krunski dragulji
svi veliki muzeji
umjetnička galerija
snimati, fotografirati
policajac (bobi)
(usporedi sliku u boji u lekciji br. 18.)
večera (glavni obrok)
(zap. dio Londona)
(0,57 litre)
vrsta piva (gorkog)
pivnica, gostionica, krčma
Shakespeare-ov kazališni komad
(kazalište u Londonu, S. E. 1)
večernja predstava (program)
(ugledni dio Londona)


U br. 556 čuti ćete dio ove lekcije za diktat. Svaku skupinu riječi čuti ćete dva puta, zatim sljedi stanka, kako bi mogli da napišete ono što ste čuli. Kad završite diktat, još jedanput ga poslušajte povezano, tj. bez stanki i interpunkcije. Za vrijeme diktata knjiga treba da bude zatvorena.
__ Sada obradite zvučni zapis br. 556.



Usporedite svoj rad  s niže napisanim tekstom i ispravite greške. Ako ih imate više od 4, ponovite diktat, tj. još jedanput obradite zvučni zapis br. 556.

This American tourist has got exactly one day for London.
He is (He's) going to have a look at all the famous streets,
houses, palaces, memorials, and cathedrals.
He is (He's) going to have dinner at an expensive restaurant,
and he is (he's) going to visit a night club in Soho.


Naučili ste da izrazite budućnost s will. U ovoj lekciji upoznali ste još jednu mogućnost za to; primjer to pokazuje:

He is going to visit all the great museums.
Posjetiti će sve velike muzeje.

U br. 559 vježbati ćete (u 4 faze) rečenice s going to. Primjer:

Čujete pravilan odgovor:
Ponovite odgovor:

Tom visited the Tower.
I'm going to visit the Tower, too.
I'm going to visit the Tower, too.
I'm going to visit the Tower, too.

__ Sada obradite zvučni zapis br. 559. Vježba nema primjera.



U br. 561 vježbati ćete (u 4 faze) odrečne rečenice s going to.

Čujete pravilan odgovor:
Ponovite odgovor:

You must buy a new car.
No, I'm not going to buy a new car.
No, I'm not going to buy a new car.
No, I'm not going to buy a new car.

__ Sada obradite zvučni zapis br. 561. Ni ova vježba nema primjera



(Pismena vježba)
Odgovorite prema primjeru.


What are you going to do this evening? (watch television)
I'm going to watch television this evening.


What are you going to do this morning? (make a few phone calls)
What are you going to do this afternoon? (play with the children)
What are you going to do after supper? (write a few letters)
What are you going to do in the train? (read a book)
What are you going to do now? (do my homework)
What are they going to do with him? (arrest him)
What are you going to do with all that whisky? (drink it)


(Pismena vježba)
Odgovorite prema primjeru.


Are you going to buy a dog? (canary)
No, I'm going to buy a canary.


Are you going to drink milk? (whisky)
Are you going to eat a hamburger? (hot dog)
Are you going to invite the Browns? (Taylors)
Is he going to learn French? (English)
Is she going to marry Jim? (Tom)
Are you going to read a newspaper? (book)
Are you going to study the sales figures? (football results)
Are you going to talk to the chief clerk? (managing director)
Are you going to take the bus? (underground)


(Pismena vježba)
Dodajte pitanja s Aren't you. . . Isn't he. . .


I'm going to see a Shakespeare play. (floor show at a night club)
Aren't you going to see a floor show at a night club?


I'm going to buy a new coat. (dress)
I'm going to travel by train. (car)
He's going to learn the trumpet. (piano)
She's going to marry Tom. (Jack)
We're going to drink coffee. (tea)
He's going to listen to the radio. (watch television)
They're going to hire Miss Parker. (Miss Taylor)


(Pismena vježba)
Postavite pitanja s What. . .


He's going to take pictures of some London pubs.
What is he going to take pictures of?


He's going to ask her for money.
He's going to have a look at the Crown Jewels.
They're going to talk about the sales figures.
He was listening to one of Chopin's nocturnes.
He's worried about the car.
She must thank him for the presents.


(Pismena vježba)
Postavite pitanja s Who. . .


He's buying this handbag for his wife.
Who is he buying this handbag for?

c. d.

She's typing those letters for the staff manager.
Sharp is flirting with his secretary.
Ann is writing a letter to her favourite pop star.
They were talking about the boss's future son-in-law.
He's going to take pictures of the children.
He's going to talk to the staff manager this afternoon.
These presents are for you.


(Pismena vježba)
Ponekad bez veće razlike u značenju možemo da upotrijebimo will ili going to.

He will             buy a new car.
He is going to buy a new car.

Kupiti će novi automobil.
Kupiti će novi automobil.

Česti su primjeri kod kojih je prirodan samo jedan od ova dva oblika:
Bolje je da upotrijebimo will za radnju koja će se tek dogoditi (ne odmah), a vjerojatnost da će se zaista dogoditi nije potpuna.
S going to izražavamo bližu budućnost, naročito kad želimo da naglasimo namjeru ili sigurnost.


He's going to do London in one day.
He'll do London in one day if he can.

He's going to visit a night club.
He'll visit a night club if it isn't too expensive.

He's going to give up the club.
He'll give up the club when they're married.

He's going to buy her a wonderful fur coat.
He'll buy her a wonderful fur coat if she marries him.

We're going to get a new car soon.
I hope we'll get a new car soon.

Promjenite sljedeće rečenice prema primjeru.


I'm going to answer the phone. (if I hear it)
I'll answer the phone if I hear it.


They're going to arrest him. (if they find him)
She's going to ask him for the money. (if she sees him)
We're going to buy the car. (if we get the money)
He's going to die. (if the doctors don't help him)
I'm going to do my homework. (if I have enough time)
I'm going to drink some coffee. (if it isn't too strong)
I'm going to eat a hamburger. (if it's fresh)
You're going to get a new dress. (if you're a good girl)


(Pismena vježba)
Stavite sljedeće riječi:

     at, in, in front of, of, to


Can you "do" London. . . . . one day?
It's only a question. . . . . organization.
Mr Watson's visit. . . . . London is very well organized indeed.
He's going to have a look. . . . . Buckingham Palace.
He's going to visit the Houses. . . . . Parliament.
He's going to watch the Changing. . . . . the Guard. . . . .Buckingham Palace.


(Pismena vježba)


Posjeta g. Watson-a Londonu je zaista dobro organizirana.
U Londonu će provesti sarno jedan dan.
Razgledati će Buckingham-sku palaću.
Posjetiti će Westminster-sku opatiju.
Fotografirati će zgrade parlamenta.
Ručati će u skupom restoranu.
Kupiti će poklone za svoju porodicu.


Na sljedeću lekciju pređite sarno u slučaju ako dobro znate gradivo ove lekcije (br. 544-569).

Kraj 20. lekcije.